The salt has washed out of my hair, my bruises have finally faded and my broken nails are growing back. I feel like a caged a bird who's wings have been clipped. It's been 3 weeks since I have been sailing and I am not coping well with being land bound. I feel anxious and fidgety. And when I am like this I am liable to do something completely ridiculous like try jury-rig a dinghy or something. Or 'borrow' a boat. Or try paddle to Rangitoto on a surfboard.
Don't ever go sailing. It will wreck you. Those 126.5 hours I logged over summer have wrecked me. Those years cruising the Gulf with my family have wrecked me. They have destroyed any hope of a 'normal' life. I have seen paradise. I have seen perfection. I have experienced 'the stoke' and now I crave it...need it. It's not that I distaste life on land, but life at sea is better. The gentle rocking of the boat at anchor in a beautiful bay somewhere, the hull crackling in the silence, the stars twinkling above. Or the boat crashing over huge swells, the rigging groaning from the strain, spray flying over the bow; at the mercy of wild and untamed seas.
A sailor without a boat just isn't right. It's defies the natural order of things. What am I to do??